Sunday, January 06, 2008

Current Market Thesis

I just finished up my research for the coming week. It's clear to me that there are only three sectors I want to buy right now. In the coming week, I'll be looking for clean entries in gold, oil and farm related trading vehicles.

Lots of good looking shorts, but many are extended, thus not providing good entries. Bounces in housing/real estate, financials and certain momo stocks could provide attractive entry points.


Unknown said...

Hi Paul,

I just posted my market outlook for 2008 and also am bullish on gold, oil, commodities. Bearish on financials, real estate, russell 2000, US dollar.

See my post 2008 Market Outlook

Keep up the good work and trading. Your comments are fantastic.

Adrian said...

I'm with you on housing, financials and momo, but can you share your thinking on gold, oil and farming vehicles? They've been well under my radar - the sectors that keep popping up for me are oil & gas, and ag chemicals. Thanks!

Adrian said...

Oops, forgot to mention: I looked at the charts of those sectors and you're right, they look tempting. I'm just wondering why I missed them. My best guess now is that you've done a deeper examination of the sectors over the weekend than I did.

The Market Speculator said...

Beactive: great post

Thanks stockroar.

Tyro: I didn't get too specific. I lumped ag chem with farming. My favs in this area are BG, MOS, MON, CF and BUCY. Same with oil. Within oil, the two sectors I like best are equipment and independents.